Tuesday, November 11, 2014

barracuda pricing

You could go with our base model 100. The model 100 supports a hard limit of 50 users. The model 100 is 699.00 for the unit, 399.00yr for the energize updates and 299.00yr for the optional instant replacement

Thursday, January 2, 2014

 what if it is protons that generate current? what would hte kenetic energy of them be when they travel through wire instead of weightless electrons?
i should have a kid and raise them to be gay, tell them that gay is normal and all kids grow up to like the same gender.
starbucks should use biodegradable  cup lids that are black?

i drempt i was in teh philipines and everyone was short. i was super tall. i was fat and drove my mustang. or an old lincoln or crown vic.

today drempt some black girl kissed me and i was thinking "i have a girlfriend" then telepathically told her what i felt and thought.