Tuesday, August 16, 2011

aman i feel like you only though ti was nice, but nothing more.
song oh chariot by gavin mcgraw
you should write a book with wierd shit like that in it. "sister bit me"
aww i dragged u down
your right that its dismissive and i dont like stupid people because they make me feel smarter but take away from my intelligence because i go down to their level. i dated u. u werent too smart. i hated it
have you been dragged down in intelligenc e by someone u loved, or me?
is it bad for me to be simple minded? i like doing it and would you be like me if u smoked more?
oh yeah. i guess that ssomething i said. you need to put girls before yourself. its more chivalrous
imigriniata is a good son. intercontentonal hussle
insomnia by craig david
i like failing becasue i know what to do after

go date more people and compare, if thats what you do to find out who is good.
dillons party 240 san marco sb
keomeuangsong n. 14154253070

lyndsey. thinking hurts my brain. lol