One might say that I have aspbergers. A characteristic of this is me having insetivities towards others, or not being sensitive to what others are.
Something the Lord Made
I was in the part of the class that watched the whole movie. Reflecting on the movie, there was racism. Maybe half the white people were bigots. Those half glared at Vivian whenever he passed by possibly thinking "he shouldn’t be here". Or some racist thing. Or if this is still applicable, "go back to your country", you should still be slaves, I’m better than you, blacks aren’t allowed here. Near the end of the movie, when Vivian was brought in to perform surgery on the couple's blue-baby daughter, the parents glared at him possibly thinking "my child is going to die now" or don’t put my daughters safety in a n-'s hands. More examples of racism are: after Vivian and Alfred successfully performed the operation, Alfred is walking past rooms where his colleagues were and heard them saying "why was the n- with him"
There were colored bathrooms. When Vivian and his friend walking on a college path, they had to move out of the way of some white guys. A doctor told Vivian to get him a donut and coffee and said that he couldn't be a doctor or assistant. Everyone looked at Vivian in the hall when he was walking to Doctor Blalok, he had to ignore them. Vivian dealt with being ignored or stared at the whole movie. Vivian got less pay for being black. Vivian had to clock in in the black workers entrance to go into the building. Vivian could not be paged in the hospital because he was black.
Something the Lord Made shows what a black man could achieve by trying, and what racism was like in the 30s'. More generally, it shows the segregation of women and blacks from white men. And religion and science and questioning Gods assumed will. Vivian Thomas and Alfred Blalok went against did what the scientific medical field thought was impossible,: surgery on the heart. more specifically, fixing babies hearts. When parents were deciding on whether to allow surgery on their six month old child, they had to talk between themselves along with asking their local preacher. When they talk to the priest, they ask their minister if God wanted the baby to die. The priest advised not to question Gods will or to alter Gods work. The priest then consulted Blalok, who was to perform the operation. Blalok understan what the priest was concerned about and addressed this by showing an alternative perspective. Blalok said that he would make the baby how it should be. Or that maybe God wants the baby to live. God wants us to learn how to fix the problem. Blalok's colleagues, in addition, believed it impossible to perform open heart surgery. Nolitangere was followed in the 1930s and ’40s. Meaning: do not touch, or do not touch the heart.
Something the Lord Made follows the journey of Vivian Thomas from being a carpenter to teaching heart surgery in John Hopkins University. Most of the movie covers when Vivian was practicing heart surgery with Alfred. It mostly shows the action packed part of his life. The story starts when Vivian is 20 years old as a carpenter in the great depression. His early life and his later life are skipped. Vivian realized he might have wasted 12 years of his life practicing with Alfred, and missed his college education while his age went to 30. That realization is showed well with this.
I think the movie failed to show how smart Vivian really was. It did not show enough scientific work or enough detail for what he did. The director expects the audience to assume Vivian is a genius, instead of expecting proof. Vivian was only shown reading books, picking up glass tubes with forceps, and cutting animals open. Alfred was a strange character who did not follow standard social conventions. Vivian Thomas was accustomed to people following lower social conventions, but might have been disappointed by Alfred doing this. The movie correlates to college success only slightly because all the hard work that Vivian accomplished was not shown. It was skipped and only results of the work were showed. The movie made success look easier than it is.
But, Vivian did work hard. And his work led him to become a teacher at John Hopkins, after 30 years of working hard. He succeeded by persevering, working around the problems that were presented, and by going out of his way to be around any opportunity that was given. College success utilizes the college system and knowing how to use it. Vivian Thomas knew a little of how to use his work system. He did not know what a level three worker was, but found out was angered by it. Alfred used the people he knew to work around the racist hospital system.
Coun 100 provides students with the skills needed for success in college and covers information about: 1] college/university systems, 2] goal setting, 3] educational planning, 4] study skills, 5] health maintenance, 6] stress management, 7] learning styles, 8] college resources, 9] relationships, and 10] cultural diversity. Here is a comparison as follows:
1] Vivian did not know much about the college/university system. After practicing surgery, he was not able to transfer directly into medical school and got mad at the university recruiter. But he had an intelligent mentor.
2] Vivian set a goal of becoming a doctor. He did not give up on becoming one.
3] Vivian did not plan any education. He just practiced surgery with Alfred
4] Vivian studied by practicing and reading. He did not use any other forms of studying.
5] Vivian did not exercise, or eat right. He did not have enough money to eat balanced foods
6] Vivian was stressed all the time from overwork and living in cheap noisy housing. He attempted to manage the stress with his hope of making more money in the future.
7] The only learning style Vivian used to was hands on.
8] There were no college resources for Vivian to use.
9] Vivian had a good relationship with his mentor, Alfred, and his wife.
10] There was cultural diversity, however many of the people around him were racist.
Something the Lord Made was a great movie. But it wasn't realistic enough for me (for the time). It was still a great movie. There was not enough segregation (for the time). I mean not a realistic amount of segregation for the '30s. The white people should have been behaving barbaric to the African Americans. Too much success was shown. Vivian's brother/uncle should not have won his teaching court case. The mood of everyone should have been more depressing. It was the great depression for Christ’s sake.
Once again, the science scenes were not scientific enough. Whenever Alfred “cut through the bullshit” and moved straight to experiments, all that happened was dogs got cut open. There was no medical procedure, but there was probably reason for that. Nobody wants to see science in movies. The movie was too melodramatic. The actual events would move a lot slower. The “eureka’s” and epiphanies would be less impacting in real life, when they happened in the '30s. The movie was a little too slow and long. The actors were well chosen though Vivian Thomas did well.
Something the Lord Made
of environment
of vivian
of doctor
how does movie correlate to college success
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