Monday, September 14, 2009

falling correctly

Can martial arts falling
techniques prevent injuries?
Although falling techniques are taught to
martial artists, athletes and paratroopers, a
BMJ search of Highwire listed journals has
discovered no mention of “falling correctly”,
“safe falling”, etc. “Reducing the force of
impact of a fall on people’s bones” is
discussed.1 But the literature mentions no
impact reduction techniques except for hip
protectors. Exercise and muscle power in old
age are recognized as helping regain balance
after tripping,2 but not all falls are preventable.
So perhaps safe falling should also be
One finds discussion of types of fall, with no
discussion of those who were trained in
falling.3 Studies of reactions to slipping do not
distinguish athletes and martial artists from
other healthy subjects.4 Tai Chi is mentioned
as appropriate exercise for the prevention of
falls,5 but unlike the Japanese arts, Tai Chi
does not teach falling.
Although correct falling is neglected in the
medical literature, there is much semiscientific
literature by martial arts masters.
An internet search for ukemi yields useful
The ease with which martial artists take
even very hard falls suggests the hypothesis
that falling practice while relatively young can prevent
injury from falls incurred later in life.
A Japanese study of 11 deaths and serious
injuries in aikido from 1972–75, listed eight
due to falling.6 Most of the victims were relative
beginners, suggesting that those who
practice over long periods are more protected.
However, the study population is too small
to permit definitive conclusions, nor is it
known how many such injuries may have
gone unreported. The author admits that:
“some universities were not particularly cooperative”
in supplying data. New students who
had suffered injury or death had been
submitted to excruciating training with many
repetitive falls, suggesting that the injury protection
benefits of martial arts skills must be
balanced against risks accompanying the
process of acquiring the skills. And literature
searches reveal no biomechanical evidence
that martial arts falls result in fewer peak
forces on the body than do everyday falls.
Martial arts tend to have rather specialized
falling techniques. Aikido falls may not
protect you in cases where judo falls will be
effective. There seem to be no studies of the
angles of falls most likely encountered in daily
life, and what techniques would be generally
most preventative. Martial arts practice is so
strenuous that it is unlikely that large
numbers will take it up. There may be an
upper limit to the age at which one can start
practice, although anecdotally it is not unknown
to begin in one’s late 50s, and at least
one Japanese businessman started aikido at
70 and reached the black belt.
It is not known whether the teachers
involved in the tragedies cited above had
training in health sciences or injury prevention.
Many martial arts teachers take extreme
care for the safety of trainees, and some are
health professionals.
There is plenty of anecdotal evidence of
martial artists coming out safely from quite
dangerous falls. So although martial arts falling
techniques may not be a solution for the
general population, they may be so for a
minority. It remains to be seen whether safe
and enjoyable methods might be developed to
teach selected falling techniques to the
general population.
I thank L Katz of Budo Ninjutsu for much helpful
F J Leavitt
Centre for Asian and International Bioethics, Faculty
of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the
Negev, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel;

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